Bay State Savings Bank, Worcester, MA
11 Pleasant Street, Suite 420
Worcester, MA 01609
Tel 508-753-4800
Fax 508-797-4750
Reach us by email
How do you give a bank a market identity, when their branch offices are in residential neighborhoods, and respect for their neighbor’s view is paramount? Large signs, advertisements and marketing messages that are typical in commercial strips are not an option. They are an eyesore to homeowners who treasure their residential views, but who also embrace having the neighborhood services near.
Wadsworth and Associates designed a winning solution. A large circular window is architecturally placed in the crown, above the new Baystate Savings Bank’s entrance. It is always illuminated from within, and radiates a soft glow at night. It is a unique calling card that all new branches are now adapting. The landscape, the parking lot, and the building’s architecture are aesthetically designed - with neighbors in mind.
Bay State Savings Bank
Worcester, MA
Completion in Spring 2007